In spite of the Conspiraloon Alliance's best efforts, the toll taken by continues to mount. In an innovative, out of the box investigation of the case of recent SADS victim Gareth Williams, Winter Patriot is channeling the long dead spirit of Sherlock Holmes in the elusive quest for a cure for SADS...

...though I fear the answer to one question may elude even Baker Street's finest - WTF do a bunch of SIM cards 'laid out in a ritual manner' look like when they're at home?
Maybe Donald has the answer in his most informative video.
Speaking of ritualistic, surprised to see 'The j00z did it" mob aren't crawling all over this one...
Given that The Jews own MI5 and MI6 I think most of them take that as a given
You'd never guess it from wandering around Stamford Hill.
I was round those parts only the other day, picking up my monthly retainer from Chabad and a sack of beigels
Actually, the beigels are my monthly payment
I've only just caught up on the comment thread on my recent post about Jewish culpability for everything awful, ever
Apparently, suggesting that Goys might be fully capable of undertaking, and have undertaken, acts of plutocratic wickedness on their own account, without Talmudic support, is the act of McCarthyite, ADl-like (wink wink) weaver of straw man arguments
My biggest straw man argument being to claim that some anti-zionist loons blame pretty much all Jews and not just the Jewish elite
Apparently, this is a deliberately fallacious argument on my part as this doesn't happen
Ask this bloke...
Re: The OP, what an effective way of weaving together such disparate elements.
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