Al-Qaida gave no details about the selection process for bin Laden's successor, but said that it was the best tribute to the memory of its "martyrs".
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Orderly Succession
A fine example of non disruptive organisational change.
Truthiness™ Tags™: continuity of government, the difficult job of watching yourself on colour television
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I had my fingers crossed and was quietly hoping that the title would fall to this chap
a) He speaks English, and
b) He's clearly put a lot of effort into his accent and it's really starting to pay dividends
A clear case of anti-semitic dicrimination.
or discrimination
Some of the comments underneath the Gadahn video make for deliciously confused reading...
"Hey you dirka dirka fuck head, This ain't Mumbai. WE ALL HAVE GUNS HERE! To see some towel head yell "Alluah Akbar!" is probable Cause for me to kill them dead."
"What a dirty, traitor, scum.
I don't think he'll live long.
Hellfire missiles do wonderful things to pigs like this."
and, most ambivalently...
"This is why racial profiling is a good thing"
on the related subjects of al-Zawahiri and mainstream loonery, The Daily Mash has taken to loitering around the line that separates Conspiraloons from the Profane and could slip over at any moment...
Former CIA consultant, Wayne Hayes, said: "At last count there were about 614 Al Qaedas - Watford's got seven - but crucially Zawahiri is now head of the Al Qaeda inside your brain."
'Wheels' chimes in
Dr Ayman al-Zawahiri was always going to be the default choice to succeed Osama Bin Laden.
A highly intelligent Egyptian extremist, he was the man who got Bin Laden to "think global" in the 1990s, broadening his message from just complaining about US troops on Saudi soil to a whole range of Muslim grievances from Kashmir to Palestine.
But experts say al-Zawahiri lacks the personal charisma of his predecessor. There are also doubts as to whether, as an Egyptian, he will command full authority over al-Qaeda's operatives from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.
I often wonder how he knows so much about this highly secretive organisation.
...and will he use the old fake beard trick to elude us?
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