Saturday, 27 November 2010
This is an Australian
Truthiness™ Tags™: 9/11, conspiraloon international, liberté egalité conspiralunaté
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Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
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Truthiness™ Tags™: 9/11, conspiraloon international, liberté egalité conspiralunaté
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.
Kevin is a hero.
- Aangirfan
and this is an orange
Hypnotoad - you're mental! I bet you think Elvis is still alive.
It's an apple.
It even says so at the end of the film.
Elvis is no deader than I am
I think the Rev Bayes (with a little help from Laplace and Cox) would say that,
P(wikileaks is a limited hangout | the revelations from the 250,000 documents are so paltry) = P(the revelations from the 250,000 documents are so paltry | wikileaks is a limited hangout)*P(wikileaks is a limited hangout)/P(the revelations from the 250,000 documents are so paltry)
Anyone want to have a stab at putting in numerical values?
But... but... but... what about the WMD in Iraq?!
WikiLeaks Show WMD Hunt Continued in Iraq – With Surprising Results
The bigger the build up to each Wikileaks 'leak', the more confirmations of convenient official narratives seem to materialise.
Is it really such a big revelation that the State apparatus of States with the greatest pretensions to full spectrum global dominance happen to be the ones spying on, conspiring against, and machine-gunning the hell of out who and what they perceive to be greatest threats to those pretensions?
Unless, that is, we've all missed a really juicy insight into the machinations and operations of States that nabs anyone 'bang to rights'. Then again, even if it did, in the same way we know that George Bush, Tony Blair et al are all war criminals, what would change?
^ More support for convenient official narratives from Wikileaks: WikiLeaks Reveals Iran’s Secret, Worldwide Arms Hunt
Given the copious coverage given to Wikileaks' revelations by the BBC and mainstream print media I think we're talking probabilities in the order of about 100%, plus or minus 0%
^ And how many albino representatives can one organisation, that isn't called the Worldwide Organisation for Albino Equality, possibly have?
The probability that,
out of 250,000 documents, there isn't one that causes severe embarrassment to an embassy is ...
less than 1 in 250,000.
(-54 dB if you're going to follow ET Jayne's suggestion of quoting using decibels to describe relative probability).
Though I haven't actally gone through all 5 million afghan war logs just yet, the reported summaries seem to suggest that it could have come straight from the pentagon.
The angry table thumping regarding the diplomatic cables reminds me that panto season is once again upon us.
And I'm fairly sure the wikigossip bullshit is a great distraction from the indenturing of Ireland and the franco-german-uk bailout.
After all, its very depressing to explain.
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