Sure the title of this post might sound a little far fetched, but the Conspiraloon™ Alliance™ Ministry™ of Truthiness™ brings you the PROOFINESS™!!!*
shows Martian
and the space-age
(it would have to be)
ship it arrived in as even the
Chinese can only fly around the moon
40 years after merkins
landed, walked about and
stuck a flag in it.
having just been
pronounced to be both
a SHILL™ and STUPID™ by
David Shayler Righteous Chav,
know best)
the last living incarnation of
the Jeshua consciousness (apart, of
course, from the other Messiah that David
wants everyone to hang around for in case no one
* !!! tHE uSE oF aT lEAST tHREE eXPLANATION mARKS pROVES™ tHE pROOFINESS™ oF tHE PROOF™!!! pURPLE is aLSO a good indicator and about 77.911% reliable in temperatures too low to melt steel but high enough to turn it molten and keep it that way for weeks. Three eXPLANATION marks also makes anything in close proximity a mathematically calculated than anything you're likely to read in a magazine built entirely out of whiteness, blackness and the colours Cyan Magenta Yellow and Blue!!!
what if the "manhole cover" is itself in fact™ an alien spacecraft ?
looking closely at the depicted location, with what might be three suns, and the many piles of spoil on the ground, i think it might be the planet of the moles, i think i read somewhere that moles are related to shrews, whose squeaks are quite shrill, and shrill sounds a bit like the word 'shill'
then there's the whole mole issue that needs to be turfed up, dug into, and exposed to the harsh light of truth, hmm, the rabbit hole is indeed deep
what ?
It's just like erich von daniken said, there are hidden messages left by our alien just have to know what to look out for
Ain't that the truth!
I guess it's pretty obvious now why S-Club 7 sang, "Reach for the stars" when "Look to the floors" would have been more Truthy™.
I would never associate myself with this cartoon character. I did want to chase him with an anvil, but it passes.
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