ENDGAME - ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Rockefellers, Rothschilds,
and MORE!!!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Conspiraloon™ Conspiracy Theorist Characteristics:
Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
ENDGAME - ALEX JONES - Blueprint for Global Enslavement
Sure the title of this post might sound a little far fetched, but the Conspiraloon™ Alliance™ Ministry™ of Truthiness™ brings you the PROOFINESS™!!!*
The Antagonist
Truthiness™ Tags™: How deep is your manhole? Follow the white spaceship, Mars Men Eat Man Whole, Rudi Giuliani readies for alien invasion but he's already here
And for all those Junior Conspiraloons™ out there who need help deciding which way to point their fingers, world-reknowned Terrorologist Webster Tarpley's in town(s) next month...
In these Federal Reserve-induced inflationary times where else are you going to find an evening of solid Infotainment for ?
Taking time out from clearing up the mess Hamas caused by being democratically elected, our former prime minister bravely trousered a large speaking fee to share his demented worldview.
In a wild tale, he spoke of dark forces ranged against western civilisation,revealing the conspiracy's bloody,beating heart to be a group known only as
"There is a tendency even now, even in some of our own circles, to believe that they are as they are because we have provoked them and if we left them alone they would leave us alone. I fear this is mistaken!!!"
"This ideology now has a state - Iran - that is prepared to back and finance terror in the pursuit of destabilising countries whose people live to wish in peace!!!"
"rising fascism!!!*"
“Analogies especially with the rise of fascism can be misleading but, in pure chronology, I sometimes wonder if we’re not in the 1920s, if not the 1930s, I fear.”
Truthiness™ Tags™: dildo, mainstreamaloonery, murderer, those wars won't start themselves, war criminal
The newswires are glowing red hot concerning extremist activity in New Zealand. As usual these cases provide valuable information on how to identify these hotheads. A mere 300 kiwi plods took only a year to infiltrate and gather evidence on over 16 * of these miscreants. The focus seems to be on the character Tame Iti
"advocates full Maori independence"
The numbers of people attending the camps had been in the "tens", he said.
The people involved had been of varying ethnicities, with a raft of different "motivations" for attending.
Training involved the use of firearms and other weapons for "military-style" activity***.
wost of all, the telegraph adds:
Those arrested included environmental protesters and so-called peace activists.*17 is the full terrifying number
Truthiness™ Tags™: mainstreamaloonery
Sometimes it's too easy to dwell on the bad things in life. The men in white coats don't spend all their time creating future warriors, active denial systems, invisible men, urine based food (and making lady soldier's tits bigger).
We should strive to be more positive, like the quair fellow David Levy, who preaches a gospel of Robot Love:
"My forecast is that around 2050, the state of Massachusetts will be the first jurisdiction to legalize marriages with robots"
"It may sound a little weird, but it isn't," Levy said. "Love and sex with robots are inevitable."
"people who find it hard to form relationships, because they are extremely shy, or have psychological problems, or are just plain ugly or have unpleasant personalities,"Fellow weirdo Ronald Arkin adds:
"If you have pedophiles and you let them use a robotic child, will that reduce the incidence of them abusing real children, or will it increase it? I don't think anyone has the answers for that yet — that's where future research needs to be done."I'd like to see the methodology for that research.
Truthiness™ Tags™: dildo
A fellow Truth™ Seeker writes...
"During a recent visit to the Common Purpose website my eye was drawn immediately to their rather peculiar logo, which very much reminded me of an equally peculiar feature of the new £20 note issued only few weeks ago. Both images are reproduced below and raise a number of intriguing questions..."
Read on
Truthiness™ Tags™: banking elite, Common Purpose, Federal Reserve, Masons, Ocean finance, Pentagrams, pyramids, qabbalah, Rothschildicious, S Club 7, zionism
As our brave lads on the Solent have pointed out:
"Whilst it is almost impossible to say with any certainty what a terrorist might look like, an individual’s activity or behaviour can become suspicious in the context of the location they are in. "The latest terror trial has already given us vital pointers to these wily characters. You can be fairly sure you're dealing with one if they meet these scientific benchmarks:
'only a matter of time!!!'
Watch out terrofascists, I've got plans for you!
Forget about faking phone-ins, mocking our monarch and cynically renaming cats! This,brothers and sisters, is what we pay our colour television license for:
Intro: 'Hello, I'm Jeremy Vine and I'm a cunt, presenting a programme about some Cambridge prick, for wankers who swallow all this shit about muslims taking over Denmark UK THE WORLD. Enjoy!'*
Part One: Idiot radicalised by colour television.
Part Two: Scary Foreigners speaking foreign languages, idiot does nothing
Part Three: Idiot de-radicalised by colour television.
*first draft of shooting script, not included in broadcast edit
Conspiraloon Tip4God TV
Now would be a good time to approach The Messiah™, it's mushroom season.
The Antagonist
Truthiness™ Tags™: David Shayler, DO NOTHING REVOLUTIONARY BRIGADE, Messages from The Messiah™, NeoCon plot to bring Conservatism to the world, Righteous Chavs, The Messiah™
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Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.