And the ™ just keeps coming!!
courtesy of Conspiraloonery™ Central - Your NUMBER ONE!! source for web based anti-reptilian activism
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Conspiraloon™ Conspiracy Theorist Characteristics:
Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
Truthiness™ Tags™: 9/11, BBC, David Shayler
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
It is finally here!Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.
**Cod-Geordie accent**
Day 2 in the Big Brother House,and Gordons found a bomb.
New Cabinet, new Reichstag fire that isn't.
Interesting that on Day 2 in the Big Brother House and Gordon's found a bomb.
From the scant news of the 21/7 trial of the bombers with no bombs: "A further charge of conspiracy to cause explosions likely to endanger life, previously faced by each man, has now being [sic] left off the indictment."
Shit, could it be because they had no bombs?
If the no bombs bombers of 21/7 have had the conspiracy to cause explosions charge dropped, what possible case is there against them?
Er, that link should have been to this.
Having read the available coverage on Gordon's bomb discovery I'm having trouble connecting headlines such as 'Police avert bomb carnage' with eyewitness accounts that the bloke driving the car ran into some bins at 2 o'clock in the morning in front of some night club bouncers before running off. Were the police focusing some kind of disruptor beam on the vehicle before it crashed. We know that such technology is feasible
The driving into bins story has been newsbrushed out of history so best you forget that.
When you say, "web based anti-reptilian activism", by activism are you referring to the cunning DO NOTHING™ type Conspiraloon™ activism that's going make everything OK by December 21122012 at around 6:30am.
I forgot to mention....
"What was also ironic was the dramatic manner in which art has imitated life, Indian filmmakers said.
Filming of a Bollywood movie on Islamic terrorism was disrupted after Scotland Yard officers were summoned to dismantle the massive car bomb outside the Tiger Tiger nightclub in the Haymarket, causing severe dislocation of the capital’s traffic."
Peter Power's been all over BBC news today too.
More at The Telegraph, Calcutta
Why did you post a photo of Elvis?
because he's alive
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