Sunday, 17 June 2007
No™ Buildings™ Theory™'s Little Brother, No™ Planes™ Theory™
The Antagonist
Truthiness™ Tags™: amerika, Apocalypse, Calm down dear its only a global conspiracy, McFly, moon landing, November 9th, nuclear fakery, things'll work out by themselves
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i just watched the first video and it looks mighty suss to me
maybe i'm becoming a no-planer
actually, i was always a no planer ;) even before it was fashionable
being serious for a moment, this might be disinformation itself, or maybe not, i wasn't there in New York on the day, that's all i know for certain
i propose a fierce, protracted and ultimately futile debate involving many millions of hours of accusations of "shill", "gatekeeper" and the like
shut up you two
i'm watching part three now...i wasn't at the pentanglegon neither, but one thing i do know is that what mike walter says about "folding wings" is complete shite
mike, you're talking shite, alright ?
...oh dear, mike you do seem awfully confused don't you, you actually claim that the pentanglegon has moved !!! PROOF™!!!
still, at least he doesn't make constant sideways and downwards glances like a liar might !
fukin amazing video, if the media showed fake planes hitting WTC live on FOX news and witnesses lied about seeing this happen live on tele why the fuck does anyone still believe airlines were used?
as for mike walters, the wings folded back when the planes hit the WTC didn't they?
Jon Doy
If you weren't in New York on the day, then surely the natural progression from that is that New York™ doesn't exist. The fact that I wasn't there either convinces me.
I'm interested to see McFly in the tags. McFly? McShills.
you're quite right of course, i now firmly believe that parts of the world are only called into existence upon my arrival
any takers ?
hey, here's a thought, perhaps i project the world out of my eyes in the first place ?
sort of like a trans-matter holographic projector doodad ?
so many questions and so little mind
i overheard a McFly song once and it was shit, that's definitely PROOF™ of something
any takers ?
Yes Sk8r doy.
In fact I patented the 'The World Does Not Exist Outside Of My Mind™' theory myself.
Too late.
Oh - you overheard a McFly song did you? You just happened to hear it did you?
yes, the fish i had caught must have swallowed an ipod
Interesting videos that are worth watching and a nice mellow backing track but hmmm...
Now what?
i propose a fierce, protracted and ultimately futile debate involving many millions of hours of accusations of "shill", "gatekeeper" and the like
and in whatever spare time is left everyone could expend millions of hours discussing the Apollo photographs, the Zapruder film and the handful dodgy stills from 7/7
The no-planers may very be onto something but what's their next step?
Are they winning over any new converts to 9/11 scepticism or are they simply fighting for a bigger share of the people who already have doubts?
Maybe *all* those with 9/11 doubts will realise that they form a large percentage and varied cross-section of the population -- without whose faithful compliance in keeping the machine running the machine stops immediately -- and unite in common cause to hold to account those criminal elements whose endeavours are entirely reliant on a large and varied cross-section of the population getting out of bed every day and keeping the machine running.
*Then* things might get interesting.
PS Mike Walter is definitely a knob FACT™!!
PS Mike Walter is definitely a knob FACT™!!
Not only that, but in every clip he's shown in he exhibits all the characteristics of someone who is telling lots of major lies and knows they're telling lots of major lies, while trying to make a convincing job of not looking like they're telling major lies or that they have any idea they're telling lots of major lies.
Could he shake his head in a 'no, no, this isn't what happened' stylee any more if he tried? As for his dedicated address to the Conspiraloons™, what's on his right hand side out of shot? Someone with a gun aimed at his head? Someone with a knife to his wife's throat? What is it? I think we should be told because it takes up a mighty lot of his attention.
A very poor effort for a media man.
Insane in the membrane!
Insane in the brain!!!
Insane in the membrane!!
Insane nada planes!
(Rocky III: Press interview with Clubber Lange)
"So, Clubber, what's your prediction for the fight?"
"My prediction???? Plane!"
To plane...or not to plane?
That is the question!
Whether 'tis nobler for the networks to suffer the slings and missiles of outrageous chroma-keying
Or to take arms against a sea of conspiraloons
And by opposing, end them. To die, to pixel-creep;
No more; and by a black frame to say we end
Keying in a jet plane
Don't know if it's in the next frame...
Blue Screen
You saw me standing alone
Without a plane on my chart
Without a feed of my own
Blue Screen
You know just what I was there for
You saw my trying to scare
Someone who wasn't aware...
There's a little black spot on New York today
It's the same old missile as yesterday
There's a background cropped from the last few frames
But nobody blinks at our video games
The First Rule of Fright Club is: You do not talk about Fright Club
The SECOND Rule of Fright Club is: You do NOT talk about Fright Club!
well, I'm going to stick my neck out here and suggest that Shahid appears to hold strong opinions on this subject
I think his take on King of Plane is my favourite
and did Shahid refer to Aerosmith ?
now there's PROOF™ if ever i saw it
Shahid said...
You forgot: SHILLS™!!!!!!!! and another fabrication, COMPOSITES™!!!!!!!
Our world may be a giant hologram
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