Our Verdict? Not a patch on the Conspiraloon Alliance's much spiffier stika and probably loads more expensive...
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Conspiraloon™ Conspiracy Theorist Characteristics:
Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
: Stef : 17:11
Truthiness™ Tags™: Gordon BrNWO, Great NeoNaziCON, luciferian death cults, nazi supermen are our superiors, NWO, NWO swastika, NWOstika, Rays of light
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.
The 2012 Olympic logo was perhaps a hint at where it was all going.
Not for the first time are the British ruling classes Conjuring Hitler.
Very bold of BrNWO and his cronies to nail their colours to the mast quite so boldly after a daytime TV version of Krystalnacht visited upon Algerians in Finsbury Park.
This also means that the U-SUK UNITY FLAG of Greater Britain and Better America will need updating to incorporate the new, no doubt coincidentally titled, PROGOV web site logo.
The logo's going - and absolutely not because it was sinister.
"Mr Brown won plaudits from his guests for his record on aid to Africa but there was an embarrassing hiccup before his arrival: the logo for today's summit of world leaders bore an uncanny resemblance to a Nazi swastika. Downing Street removed the logo from its website and ordered the designers to come up with a new one. "It would be totally wrong to read anything sinister into the intentions of the designers," said a No 10 spokeswoman."
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