We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Conspiraloon™ Conspiracy Theorist Characteristics:
Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
Thanks to the Conspiraloon laboratories, you can now Ruin Those You Resent without leaving your personal computer!
Truthiness™ Tags™: aspartame, fluoridation, fluoride deficiency, Precious Bodily Fluorides, Purity of Essence, The Aluminati, TRUTHON™ inoculation
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We can beat this - TOGETHER!
Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.
i'm sure all the electromagnetic radiation is only being pumped out everywhere - especially around schools - because corporatism is trying to ensure that when the time comes for all our brains to hook up to the multiversal wifihyperconsciousness, they do so more efficiently, allowing us to telepathically commune with our alien superiors from the future...it's a bit like bicycle stabilisers, only instead of a bicycle it's your brain, and instead of stabilisers it's a microwave oven you're trapped in 24 hours a day, and it's on
all the time
and don't worry about all that msg and aspartame and all the other business, why, that's just a well intentioned plot to prepare our blood brain barriers and heal our intelligence quotients (in time for 2012 when planet x comes back around and the universe changes shape) so that we don't all shit ourselves with fear and instead accept our new spacelords with serenity...it's a bit like serene Hindu cows, only instead of serene Hindu cows it's space-alien-mutilated cattle, with cookie cutter incisions done by real aliens - from space
Firstly, and MOST importantly, I'd like to remind you all "don't dis the Messiah".
Secondly, cattle are a species of tree.
Had a wank over my ex bird last night. I know it's wrong but I still have a key and she's a heavy sleeper.
hey, we've all done it, but why not give us your full name and address so we can send you a wankogram in celebration of your breaking and masturbating ?
Bernard Manning is speaking to us from the heavens. Only a holy and magickal place such as this could deserve such a visitation
I went to the opticians last week. He said "You're gonna have to stop wanking"
"Why?", I asked, "Am I going to go blind?"
"No, you're scaring all the patients in the visiting room"
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