Which is
justified by a vote of
(who now say:
What has happened in Libya differs from the goal of imposing a no-fly zone.
“What we want is the protection of civilians and not bombing other civilians.”
...bit late now,lads)
all carried out by
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Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
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Truthiness™ Tags™: death is not an adventure to those who stand before it, the war on humans
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Mayan End Time: 21/12/2012
Please be patient
Michael Travesser End Time: 15/12/2007
This prediction has been demoted, as the Alliance High Council has deemed it damaging to our hard won credibility.
"of which at least cannot even afford to keep open its public toilets"
A clear example of War is a Racket and ties in with what the Seagraves were saying in, The Gold Warriors. Viz, when the Japanese imperialist invaded Manchuria and swept through Asia, looting and pillaging throughout; at the end of it (1945), after all the loot was lifted, the average Japanese person needed a weeks worth of wages to buy a meal.
Everyone talks about the plunder of Libya but don't overlook the plunder of the Western taxpayer who are marked down to pay for the brigandage.
Well all that seized libyan treasure might help us pay for it, so the libyan nation will foot the bill for their own destruction.
I suspect that the members of the Arab League are being treated to an object demonstration of what's in store for them if they don't run their franchises more efficiently
Anyway, this serves the Libyans right for falling out with each other and threatening Western resource hegemony just before a monster earthquake hits Japan and initiates a huge unwinding of dollar positions
They won't be doing that again in a hurry
..and a pointed reminder to all those protesting democracy enthusiasts that it might well be better to live on your knees than dig your family out of the rubble.
There are some dissenting voices to be heard countering the NATO lies about Gaddafi bombing his own people:
YouTube - Russia Confirms NO LIBYAN AIR
ATTACKS Have Taken Place At All
YouTube - Chossudovsky: Libya no-fly zone means war
Hey Conspiraloon,...Excellent Post, I'm gonna to dance at your veddink, Vee are available for bookinks, just Google.."Schlomo Funklestein's All Singing All Dancing Haradim", oi vey zoze libyaaans are sooo persecuted.
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