"We may never know the ; this book won't give you in the last chapter! Indeed the more we [sic] may strive to give you an answer, the more you may as those of ''"
- Dr. Nick Kollerstrom, Terror on the Tube, p18
Ed's note: This book comes with glowing recommendations from none other than the author himself!!!
"It appears to me that
written here is
"Thus the present work draws from the insights and researches of many people, whom it may be to , and it brings web-insights onto the printed page."*
- Dr. Nick Kollerstrom, Terror on the Tube, p19
* Without, allegedly, recourse to the use of cut-and-paste. Ho ho.
And is not the date of publication of this tome, through reductio ad absurdum to 7/7/11, significant in some way?
We might also not ignore too, perhaps, the 77 aspect of the $7.77 for that, perchance through the technical and highly complex system of reductio ad absurdum, also manifests as 7.7 with an X-Factor of 11.
This surely is absolute proof that planting water creSS in the ears of modern photocopyists is surely not to be done on November 9th and should surely have not been done on November 9th 2001, nor should it be done when moons are in Uranus and one's head is filled with manure.
All the signs are there.
Can facts be copyrighted?
Yes, in some situations. Any "facts" that have been published as the result of individual research are considered the intellectual property of the author.
It's real!!
It's official!!!
BTW - The quote above featured in an article entitled Plagiarism Definitions, Tips on avoiding Plagiarism, Guidelines for proper citation, & Help Indentifying Plagiarism, which is about as on-topic as anything ever gets here.
I was considering going more commercial but my range of merchandise found few takers.
Oh, Ambassador CutAndPaste, you spoil us with your paper copy of original online works.
How fortunate somebody spent a lot of money "proving" ritual abuse was just a fantastical lie.
If CentreParcs ever opened up a Polish branch it would look just like this
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