Are you suspicious of people on those other conspiracy sites telling you to BUY gold at all time HIGH prices?
Why not harness the power of 'Conspiraloon Contrarian Investment Technology™' and start SELLING gold at all time LOW prices?

(NB 5 seconds of thought and 15 seconds of research have established that the above letter is a spoof. However, the author was clearly acting as an unknowing agent of a Higher Power and the fact that it is a forgery detracts in no way from its reliability as documentary evidence suitable for inclusion in the Alliance's next Truth video)
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of CashTheNumber4Gold.com is an important and valuable historical document. Even though it's a fake by the same The Heirarchy Enslaving You (T.H.E.Y.) as the ones we claim to oppose that doesn't mean it's not 101% true.
Follow the bear[d].
I've now updated the post to include a still from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
Some believe that this movie is some kind of a classic
However, it is clearly an example of marxist, banker-sponsored, mind control, straight out of The Protocols as, by the end of the film, lust for gold has sent one of the protagonists out of his tits before being killed and an old man on a donkey pisses himself laughing as the precious dust is blown away in the wind before trotting off to an allegedly fulfilling gold-free life with a bunch of wetbacks
and if you want to get really confused it's worth remembering that one of the leading debunkers of The Protocols was none other than part time Presidential executioner and full-time Nazi fund-raiser Allen Foster Dulles
History is very much like constipation. The more you think about it the harder it gets
Come on chaps, let's all pull together!
I found his white beard most serene and was happy to point him in the direction of Huddersfield so that he could say evening prayers to himself.
I utterly fail to understand what the problem is with this righteous warrior for fiction and justice. I for one shall be sending copies of the film Bambi to the judge and jury, and let them make up their own minds, or hell mend them. Yes.
...or face the prospect that you're ever so slightly barmy and confusing faction with fict.
If you DON'T quote the bible in support of your argument, HOW CAN YOU EVER WIN???
Did someone mention malakas?
Starwars - fact NOT fiction
I'm forever loving Jah
Craggy here:
I need to tell people what to get me for Xmas. I'm a bugger to buy for so I'm thinking of just asking for some non-fiction books (I very rarely read fiction - unless of course it's in the newspapers).
So what are the best non-fiction books for conpiraloons? Not read any William Engdahl or Mark Curtis. Are they any good? Who do I need to read to get a better handle on WTF is going on on this boondocks planet?
Suggestions please.
Messiah make it better
Hmmm, coming up with the name of a book that isn't, at least in part, a work of fiction
A toughie...
So what are the best non-fiction books for conpiraloons?
That's easy. Shame on you for not knowing, Stef. The bible.
well, obviously, but the inclusion of parables renders it not entirely factual
@arby: That lot might be better off singing outside Wandsworth Prison.
How about one of the classics
Hitler's 2nd Book?
A first edition copy of The Protocols? (let me know what language it's in if you find one)
Anything by Dennis Wheatley
actually, Wheatley's a bit of of a maverick as the satan worshipping communist monsters in his novels weren't Jewish, just working class
This contemporary blockbuster is also garnishing some thoughtfully positive reviews...
"The book itself is written in a very easy to read style and I finished it in double quick time. As for the contents David is very strong on his Global Elite conspiracy theories and the world sleepwalking towards an Orwellian State. I am pleased for David that he has achieved a certain degree of spiritualism and his interpretation of quantum physics is also quite interesting. A much more plausible cause of the worlds ills can be summed up quite easily by "human greed". This greed may well eminate from the reptilian part of the brain but to equate all of this with alien reptiles living inside the moon which is a hollowed out spaceship is very hard to believe and therefore I can only give this book 3 out of 5 stars."
That reviewer is nuts!
Of course alien reptiles live inside the moon which is hollowed out spaceship.
David Icke said so in his contemporary blockbuster.
The problem with most non-fiction hard-copy conspiraloonery is that it reads like an extended, and slightly out of date, web page.
After about the first ten pages I usually find myself thinking 'I know where you're going with this. How about I skip the next 250 confirmation bias laden pages and check to see if I'm right, so I am, fuck this for a game of soldiers...'
personally, the only books I buy these days are (non lunar) planting and home brew guides
Some of David's fans are unlikely to be fans after the Moon matrix hollowed out spacecraft revelations.
Let's hope David's fans weren't relying too much on references to David's work as proof™.
After about the first ten pages I usually find myself thinking 'I know where you're going with this. How about I skip the next 250 confirmation bias laden pages and check to see if I'm right, so I am, fuck this for a game of soldiers...'
I was looking for the words. You found them.
Made up gumph about stuff living in the moon is hardly new.
Does this stuff get more credible the nearer we get to apocalypto 2012?
The Russian's nailed it.
So reading politically-related books is pointless? Perhaps you're right: I already trawl the reviews on US and UK Amazon - espeially the 1* and 5* ones - to get the general shape of the work on offer? This is a very useful research method, which I have used for several years.
Let me try a differnet tack:
What are the least crap and waffley factual books about the global fuckery, politics, etc?
* that last post didn't quite come out as intended.
I meant to suggest that my Amazon-trawling was a substitute for actually reading the books in question: a way of quickly establishing the gist of a book.
"Made up gumph about stuff living in the moon is hardly new."
but has anyone thought about combining it with the thought control field from They Live before?
and, quelle surprise, all this talk of hollow planets brings us back, once again, to Theosophy, the Thule Society and the Nazis
the Russians think everything is a hollowed out spaceship
"What are the least crap and waffley factual books about the global fuckery, politics, etc?
There's currently a gap in the market between...
those who rubbish all conspiracies out of hand (and even the slightest scepticism of official narratives is now denounced as conspiracy)
those who, for some reason, are happy to apply less critical rigour to alternative narratives than they do to official narratives - which means that they are more than happy to embrace any old bollocks
that gap is poorly served,
Michael Parenti and Peter Dale Scott come to mind as examples of writers who sort of serve that neglected constituency
but has anyone thought about combining it with the thought control field from They Live before?
I am *so* glad you mentioned that. It's staple truth fare. Obviously.
Matthew 10:26 Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
10:27 What I tell you in darkness, [that] speak ye in Light: and what ye hear in the ear, [that] preach ye upon the housetops.
10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell-fire.
I walked into that one with my mouth wide open didn't I
Thx, Stef. I whizzed through all the Parenti mp3's I could find a few months ago and loved it. He's like a cross between an Italian Woody Allen and Noam Chomsky(without the curious aversion to alterative versions of the JFK and 911 events). Very entertaining and punchy too. Peter Dale Scott is a gentler a more cerebral chap from what I've seen. I'll take a look at their books.
Anyone any views on the works of Engdahl, Nafeez Ahmed and/or Mark Curtis? Some of theirs look promising.
Michael Parenti and Peter Dale Scott
... and David Harvey.
My problem with Engdahl is that I can only absorb his writing style in small doses. That and, the last time I looked, his books were at the top end of what I'm willing to spend.
I also 1/2 suspect that 'Engdahl' is really Webster Tarpley faking a German accent
I'm also delighted to discover that an image search for 'f w engdahl' throws up a picture of a duck on the first page and a link to my own blog
"and David Harvey"
he's not really what you'd call a conspiraloon though is he
I walked into that one with my mouth wide open didn't I
That's what you think happened. But actually you were told it telepathically by "the force", probably beamed there from a base inside a hollowed out moon.
As for David Harvey, his analyses of the economy definitely cross the "conspiracy analysis" line, wrt to the way in which the fictional economy of fictional finance, fictional credit and fictional money is manipulated by certain vested interests.
Thx for the heads up on Harvey - will check out.
My pillow's calling. Night all. :)
Lahey who?
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