Yes, it's true, the Messiah is James Bond 007 and HE says that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a one-eyed-dajjalic-impostor! (You must pronounce the last 'o' in that as 'awwwww')
Friday, 4 January 2008
James Bond is the Messiah 007!!!
Yes, it's true, the Messiah is James Bond 007 and HE says that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a one-eyed-dajjalic-impostor! (You must pronounce the last 'o' in that as 'awwwww')
Check HIM out!!! And HIS landing page is:
Truthiness™ Tags™: Live and Let Die, You Only Live Twice
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I love the Red, White and Blue colour scheme and the fonting is superb!!
Please excuse me for taking the liberty of illustrating the post and correcting some of the capitalisation slightly
Triple capitals with alternating colours
Sheer class...
Of course, that means that there are at least TWO Messiahs who used to work for Meye6 now...
Isn't it about time this site was merged with Messianic Times?
A new blog is born!!
/gets back to trying to find a Life
Unfortunately messiah007's site is not working. So here's something about UFOs and "prophets™" instead.
Stunning reworking - thank you for the edit. Absolutely brilliant. seems to be working fine for me.
It could almost have been designed by one of us!
/ whistles innocently
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
Nanoo nanoo Shazbot
hmmmmm, with these exotic Portugese spam blog comments you are really spoiling us
I just get a raunchy placemarker site at won't load anything at all.
How will I get saved now???
Your conspinternet is under control of the truthgoats. You must surf only approved loonsites.
These messiah thingies...
I believe a while back they were been giving away as prizes on some BBC phone in competition a while back. I don't recall anyone particularly wining one however but I seem to remember there were reports that they escaped en masse from the BBC's gift storeroom.
Yip you guessed it. Security for the room was contracted out to an Israeli security firm.
A high ranking official says they managed to break into the costume department, yet there were no forced signs on entry. Clearly then someone in the BBC knew of it and gave them a key, anyway, a stock check of the costume department revealed a discrepancy of 50 Santa costumes.
Forgive me for almost diverging this thread but it is 007 related.
Ex-Bond girl Britt Ekland is the latest aging star to succumb to 'trout pout'
Oh dear it looks like style icon and actress Britt Ekland has become the latest aging celebrity to succumb to plastic surgery and has ended up with a dreaded 'trout pout'
Having followed up on a lead by the Antagonist on Stef's site (; The BBC can go f**k itself) I visited the Daily MAil website site featuring the article 'BBC 'funded paintballing trip for Islamic terrorists and didn't pass on information about 21/7 bombers'
Much to my amusement, there was a side story entitled: "Ex-Bond girl Britt Ekland is the latest aging star to succumb to 'trout pout'"
LOL ( LOL LOL. If ever there was something that was excellently named it has to be that.
I was wondering how these women agree to such gross trouting. It must be the placcy surgeons convincing them it looks nice. Then my spidey sense kicked and I realised that Icke has it wrong. The elite are not reptiles but MALE FISH! They are altering with worlds most beautiful women (ok, formerly beautiful) women to display 'trout pout' so that they can mate with them and take over the world.
Then I started wondering, is it really fish inside those fish fingers or something else!
I’m scared out of my wits!
Dammit, he's onto us!
am I the only person who's had a copy of a Lovecraft anthology sitting on his bookshelf mistaken for a sex manual on numerous occasions?
H.P. himself, during his lifetime at least, received a great many odd and interesting phone calls because of his surname.
Those who have heard his private recordings of the calls said that many of the them were very saucy indeed.
And thusly a new line of condiments was born.
Condiments of the season
Apparently, Jaimie got the idea for his flavour shaker from a certain gesture people make at him whenever he's seen in public
Good for people to know.
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