A cautionary tale about the consequences of terroristic footwork in public places from Конспиралоон TV...
Fisher King fans you have been warned
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Conspiraloon™ Conspiracy Theorist Characteristics:
Arrogance, relentlessness, inability to answer questions, fondness for certain stock phrases, inability to employ or understand Occam's Razor, inability to tell good evidence from bad, inability to withdraw, leaping to conclusions, using previous conspiracies as evidence to support their claims, and, it's always a conspiracy.Maybe, but not here, because ten-foot, alien, shape-shifting, blood-drinking, lizard types are everywhere and running the world. No, really, they are! THEY ARE!
We'll keep on fighting - and we'll win!
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A cautionary tale about the consequences of terroristic footwork in public places from Конспиралоон TV...
: Stef : 22:19 2 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: let's face the music and dance, magic wellness sticks, The Boogieman, this ain't no disco
Castlebeck specialises in care of people with learning disabilities and has 56 units and a £90m turnover. Steps have been taken by safeguarding agencies to protect the patients at Winterbourne View, some of whom have been moved elsewhere, and the unit is barred from taking any further admissions.
: paul : 14:20 4 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: The Helpless, The Siphon Economy
: Stef : 13:05 0 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: Carmina Burana, Muad'dib, pure unrefined spice
The Met's probe was supervised by the Independent Police Complaints Commission, but Mr McIntyre asked: "Why are the police investigating themselves?
"Does that make sense to you, that the police attacked a man in a wheelchair and then they investigate themselves?"
He went on: "Throughout the report the police officers involved have stated that they were acting in my best interests, and this appears to have been accepted by those carrying out the investigation."
The force appeared to believe that "the fact someone has a disability renders them incapable of determining their own best interest or to act with autonomy", he said.
Following the investigation, internal guidelines will be drawn up on the most appropriate way to move a wheelchair user in such circumstances.
The Spanish Policia are thought to be helping with this process
: paul : 12:02 6 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: magic wellness sticks
The sequel to 7/7 Ripple Effect looks like it's going to be a humdinger....
: Stef : 12:01 5 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: Messages from The Messiah™, Muad'dib, The Messiah™
Earlier this year, legendary Anti-Zionist and keeper of that Rosetta Stone of Conspiraloon websites 'I am the Witness', Daryl Bradford Smith visited Switzerland on a silver and (vodka &) orange purchasing expedition
Naturally enough Daryl popped round to visit his close Swiss-based Anti-Zionist chum 'Ognir'
Let's see what happened...
: Stef : 20:38 5 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: comedy anti zionists, The Jews - responsible for everything since 4004 BC
: Stef : 00:01 2 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: end times
1. The Mysterious Connection Between Sirius and Human History
A fascinating new piece from the Vigilant Citizen on the role of Sirius and Blue Fairies in human affairs, including this illuminating analysis...
: Stef : 17:45 0 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: subliminal messaging, The Jews - responsible for everything since 4004 BC
: Stef : 07:31 4 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: Conspirileaks™, implausible deniability, Osama bin defrosted, snuff
Some important people settle down to watch the execution of 4 men and one woman.
: paul : 01:47 5 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: snuff
: Stef : 14:01 0 comments
Truthiness™ Tags™: Reptilian Humanoids
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