Friday, 27 March 2009

Sunday, 15 March 2009

The New Enclosure

In a groundbreaking, paradigm smashing collaboration with the Berlin Tourist Authority, The Alliance is proud to bring you a handy, multi-lingual guide the global crunchtastrophe.

Please download and read carefully if you wish a true understanding of the complex world of financial domination.

It really is that simple.

The only difference the Alliance would have with our more optimistic deutsche Verschwörungtheoretikerbrüder und schwestern is that there is no easy way to avoid this process.

For those who prefer a less metaphorical guide to worldly affairs, Michel Chussodovsky lays out the plan in all its devilish simplicity. Donald Hunt and Simon Davies do an excellent job of identifying the work in progress, and David Harvey points out that while credit is scarce, wealth is at a loss with what do with it's surplus, other than take over the entire world.

In short, the controlled debtonation of the global economy has begun, and we must prepare for a slight change of circumstances. This will involve sharing the benefits of a low impact lifestyle, as found in the third world, amongst all capital's livestock.

As we are constantly told, la crisis, as they refer to it in spain, will require sacrifice. Though people may well be surprised on discovering it is human sacrifice that is demanded.

The Banker Constrictor - proof that serpents do not eat their own tail

If the whole thing was not so gruesome and tragic, you could almost admire its dreadful symmetry. Our widely televised in-house poet laureate captures these mixed feelings perfectly:

If you can keep your capital and property,
When all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
Yours is the Earth and everything in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a fascist my son.