Friday 6 June 2008

La Conspiration Mondial

Fellow English-speaking Loons

One of the downsides of waging relentless INFOWAR against the owned mainstream media is that, after all while, Our message of Truth™, as beautiful as it is, can start to sound just a little bit repetitive

So, why not consider spicing up your everyday Truthlife a little and try a bit of French every now and then

Video Illuminati (La Conspiration Mondial)!!



Anonymous said...

Every priest should have his/her own pyramid. Laissez le bon temps roulez!

Stef said...

allez danse!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to advise The Alliance that there is an excellent documentary on channel 4 tonight at 2200 hours.The section on human reproduction is particularly enlightening.
Message ends
*bell sound*

jon doy™ said...

the human reproduction section in the US unrated cut is the superior version, though, especially for those with a mind for composting waste in the name of water conservation

jon doy™ said...

ooh, there's also another factumentary on tonight just after the one on channel four, it starts at 11.45pm on beebtelescreen three